For anyone who knew me growing up, or even just for a short time can tell you I am not the girly girl. I grew up wanting to be a boy. The boys never thought girls could play sports (despite the fact that I threatened boys and hit one in the head sending him to get stitches). I was just a girl, and somehow girls were not good enough. I was a daddy's girl to the core. I loved being with my dad. I loved playing basketball with him. I loved playing softball with him, until he decided a blood vessel popping in his hand was torture enough from my throw.
Growing up the boy in me died down. I began to adore my sisters and loved being with them, even though I was the annoying little sister who was always in the way. My parents always said "one day you will love each other"...and "one day" is finally here. I can go to Nikki with anything and know I have her trust. Kristy will threaten to beat up anyone who threatens me.
But the reason for this post is for the one person who truly means the world to me, my mom. I started playing sports when I was 5. At first it was just basketball, but then came softball, and then came soccer. Anyone who knows anything about sports knows that sports require a great deal of time and energy. I played from five years old to nineteen years old. My mom missed ONE game. And she tried to make it to that one. I forgive her since she had surgery that day. It was supposed to be a home game, but it was changed at the last minute. She showed up at home, not realizing it had been switched. So even that one counts! She was my biggest supporter. I didn't always like the yelling and giving me advice before stepping up to the plate, but looking back it was a much needed support during all of my games. Some games we were worried about her getting a technical foul, because she was just that into the game.
My mom was always there. I've had plenty of times in my life when I just wanted my mom. She was the only one who could soothe me, or make me feel better. The most recent time that I desperately wished my mom could have just been there was when I was in China. Two weeks in a foreign country is a TON of fun and I want to go back (my mom would tell you that). However, after a few days the food got old, the smells got old, only having 6 people to talk to got old....I just needed my mom. I emailed her saying "Sometimes a girl just needs her mom." My mom's reply was "Sometimes a mom just needs her baby girl." You could tell she missed her baby girl by the greeting at the airport when I returned home.
My mom does everything. She raised three children (one who is now raising a child), she cooked, she cleaned, she went to games, she went to programs, she went to music recitals, she took us shopping, she worked (who actually wants to rip down wallpaper?), she put down a wood floor, she fell through the ceiling, she sat in the bathroom while we were throwing up...she literally does it all.
When I was little I never truly appreciated everything my mom did. I see how my friends look at their mom and treat their mom and hope they don't regret it one day. I definitely don't always treat my mom the best, but I never want her to think I don't love her or don't want her in my life. She is the biggest support in my life. I love my sisters and other women in my life, but sometimes a girl just needs her mom.
Love you Mom!